Footwear Fashion
When it comes to crossdressing, we spend a lot of our time contemplating fashion. Our thoughts are frequently immersed in deciding what will create the perfect look for our alter-ego. We take time to decide how to groom in order to hide our masculinity, or working out which undergarments will help complement our look.
Once we have the basics right, we turn our attention to picking the perfect outfit to suit the occasion or season, and we make sure we have an array of accessories to finish off. All of this, along with choosing the right makeup and hair style/wig, are essential to creating the perfect look.
However, we often overlook one of the most important choices for our love of crossdressing - choosing the right footwear. I personally love women’s shoes, and I’m a firm believer that they are crucial for accentuating your feminine look. With that in mind, in this article we are going to explore some of the most common forms of footwear fashion for the crossdressing community.
First off, and probably the most common form of female footwear, are those with heels - or stilettos as they are sometimes known. Many people say that this type of footwear is the quintessential essence of femininity, and it’s no wonder since they are often associated with beautiful outfits, gowns, and even with the best photo shoots.
Of course it isn’t just about how they look, they also help to make your body appear slimmer, legs longer, and hips more pronounced. For people like myself, they also help to add inches to our height, so if you’ve often wished you were taller, then heels are definitely worth investing in!

When it comes to choosing the perfect heels, the choices are enormous. Not just in terms of fashion and colour, but also in terms of the size of the heel. To start off I would recommend choosing a classic stiletto, with a generally low to medium heel, particularly if you’re a novice at walking in heels.
Remember, the height of your heels can make or break and outfit. If properly worn, heels can make casual attire super sexy in seconds. Heels not only have to be the right height but in the right position, under the centre of your heel so they support your weight properly and follow the natural line of your body.
To find the perfect heel height, take off your shoes and sit on a chair with one leg stretched out in front of you. As your heel touches the ground, if your foot points down then measure the distance between the top of your big toe and an imaginary line from the bottom of your heel - this is the right heel height for you. If your foot is at a right angle to your leg and does not dangle, you have a low ankle-joint axis and will be more comfortable in flat shoes!
Once you’ve mastered the heels, you can move on to bigger and bolder styles, whilst increasing the heel size to high or even extreme - if you’re daring enough! Whatever your choice, here at Crossdressing Closet we have a wide range of heels to suit every style and fashion, in low, medium, high and extreme heels - click here for our full range.
Again, as with heels, boots come in a wide variety of choices to suit all fashions. Laced, zipped, heel or flat, on a block heel, suede or leather - the options are endless. As with heels, start off with the classics, and opt for neutral colours, as these will work well with most casual outfits.
As already mentioned, diversity with the selection of boots is as varied as the reasons for their choice! For those who choose boots to suit their fettish-side, there is plenty of choice in the knee and thigh length boots, as well as those specifically designed for fettish wear.
Just remember one important thing - the weather. If your choice of boots is to fit a specific occasion, and you will be going outdoors, then remember that bad weather can be an obstacle with some types of boots, so ensure you take this into consideration when making your choice.
If you are searching for the perfect boots to compliment your look, then look no further than here at Crossdressing Closet, where we have an extensive range to choose from. Whether you're looking for calf or ankle boots, to something much longer, from fettish to panto, with heels or extreme heels, we have something to suit everyone and every fashion.
Flat Shoes
If you look at what women wear every day, you will soon come to the conclusion that most will opt for comfort over style, and therefore they will wear flat shoes. If you are not choosing to go out in full femme-style, then go for something more comfortable. Just because you are going for flats, doesn’t mean there’s less fashion style on offer.
When choosing flat shoes the choice is actually a lot wider than you might think. As well as the classic flat shoe, there are lots of girlish styles with large points, or for more rounded toes there are ballet flats. You can also opt for moccasins, sneakers or sports shoes, or if the outfit and weather dictates, you could opt for sandals.
If you’re looking for traditional flat shoes, then click here to see what’s on offer from Crossdressing Closet.
Wide-Fitting Footwear
Having decided on what is the best footwear to suit your look, there is one final and vital aspect to consider - do you have wide feet? Men often have wider feet than their female counterparts, and so have to opt for wide-fitting footwear.
Fortunately, most crossdressing suppliers have a good range of wide-fitting footwear, including here at Crossdressing Closet. We have wide-fitting shoes and boots to suit all occasions and fashions, in a variety of sizes - so we have you covered!
Footwear for Special Occasions
Finally, you will no doubt require shoes for so called ‘Special Occasions’. This type of footwear can be summed up easily as the type we buy specifically for its appearance. They are usually uncomfortable and not suitable for outings, and normally those that we never want to damage!
For this type of footwear, you can be free to go all out and pick something you wouldn’t normally choose. Be flamboyant, be extravagant - be special. You may find a whole new you that you weren’t expecting, so go with it and enjoy yourself.
As I mentioned at the start of this article, footwear is often overlooked when it comes to perfecting our crossdressing look. But fear not, there is plenty of choice out there, so grab yourself a new pair today.
Oh, and I take absolutely no responsibility for the cupboard full of footwear fashion you are about to accumulate - don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Crossdressing Closet
Bring Out The Woman In You
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