LGBTQIA+ Community Getting Vaccination In UK

Recent surveys have shown lots of overall support and enthusiasm for the Covid vaccination. However, there is an awareness within the LGBTQIA+ community that people may have concerns. The details below will hopefully help to address some of those concerns, so that you can receive the vaccination confidently and safely.

Here are the main questions identified in the surveys:

Will the vaccination interact with my hormone replacement treatment (HRT)?

If you are trans and are on HRT, there is no scientific reason to suggest that the vaccination could interact in any way with your HRT medication. There is also no reason to suggest it could impact on your hormone levels.

Will the vaccination interact with my HIV medication such as ART?

There is no scientific reason to suggest that the vaccination could interact in any way with your HIV medication. If you are living with HIV, it’s encouraged that you get a COVID-19 vaccination. There is no evidence that the vaccine will interact with ART, PrEP or PEP.

For clinical guidance relating to HIV medication and the COVID-19 vaccination, go to page 16 of the government’s Green Book:

Click here for up to date information and advice about HIV and COVID-19 from British HIV Association (BHIVA)

Will the vaccination interact with my PrEP or PEP medication?

There is no scientific reason to suggest that the COVID-19 vaccines could interact in any way with PrEP.

It’s encouraged that you have a vaccination when it is offered to you, and continue to take PrEP in the same way that you normally do, and PEP if you need it.

It's also worth remembering that there maybe some cross-dressers out there who still feel nervous or vulnerable whilst out in public, whether as a full-time cross-dresser or not.  If you have any concerns, please contact your local vaccination centre for support, and don't forget a friend or family member can go with you if required.

A full list of the different priority groups:

A full list of the different priority groups

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